Thursday, 10 June 2010
Srebrenica: recovery through recognition?
Can political recognition of the Srebrenica genocide bring recovery for its survivors and the societies involved? Among others, Jelena Milic, a political analyst from Belgrade, and Muhamed Durakovic, survivor of the Srebrenica genocide, will talk about this subject in the BalkanBorrel of Thursday 10th of June, one month before the 15th commemoration of the fall of Srebrenica.
Recently the Serbian parliament condemned the mass murder in Srebrenica in July 1995 and apologized for not having done enough to prevent the massacre. What are the political and social implications of this acknowledgement for survivors? Did it impact Serbian society? And what did the earlier resolution on Srebrenica adopted by the European Parliament mean for the war victims and the societies involved? How, if at all, can recognition contribute to recovery from war?
IKV Pax Christi’s Dion van den Berg will interview four experts on recognition and Srebrenica: Jan Marinus Wiersma, former chairman of the Social Democratic Party in the European Parliament, was one of the initiators of the European resolution concerning Srebrenica; Jelena Milic, executive director of the Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies in Serbia will critically analyze the declaration of the Serbian parliament and its effect for victims and Serbian society; Barbara Oomen, professor at the Roosevelt Academy Middelburg, is an expert in Transitional Justice and will talk about the do’s and don’ts of political acknowledgements of war crimes; Muhamed Durakovic, survivor of the Srebrenica genocide and current advisor to the minister of security of Bosnia and Hergezovina, will provide an inside view on the importance of recognition for the victims.
Date: Thursday 10 June, 2010
Location: Stiltecentrum, IKV Pax Christi, Godebaldkwartier 74 (Hoog Catharijne) Utrecht (Route description:
18.30 Entrance; coffee/tea
19.00 Welcome
19.05 Interactive interviews with experts
20.15 Break
20.30 Interactive interviews with experts
21.15 Network café/drinks
To register for this BalkanBorrel please send an e-mail to: (Space is limited so register quickly.) Please forward this e-mail to other people who might be interested.
Looking forward to welcome you on Thursday 10th June!
With kind regards,
Carsten Brunsveld,
On behalf of the Balkan-team of IKV Pax Christi,
(Tel: +31 30 233 33 46)
Srebrenica: recovery through recognition?
Can political recognition of the Srebrenica genocide bring recovery for its survivors and the societies involved? Among others, Jelena Milic, a political analyst from Belgrade, and Muhamed Durakovic, survivor of the Srebrenica genocide, will talk about this subject in the BalkanBorrel of Thursday 10th of June, one month before the 15th commemoration of the fall of Srebrenica.
Recently the Serbian parliament condemned the mass murder in Srebrenica in July 1995 and apologized for not having done enough to prevent the massacre. What are the political and social implications of this acknowledgement for survivors? Did it impact Serbian society? And what did the earlier resolution on Srebrenica adopted by the European Parliament mean for the war victims and the societies involved? How, if at all, can recognition contribute to recovery from war?
IKV Pax Christi’s Dion van den Berg will interview four experts on recognition and Srebrenica: Jan Marinus Wiersma, former chairman of the Social Democratic Party in the European Parliament, was one of the initiators of the European resolution concerning Srebrenica; Jelena Milic, executive director of the Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies in Serbia will critically analyze the declaration of the Serbian parliament and its effect for victims and Serbian society; Barbara Oomen, professor at the Roosevelt Academy Middelburg, is an expert in Transitional Justice and will talk about the do’s and don’ts of political acknowledgements of war crimes; Muhamed Durakovic, survivor of the Srebrenica genocide and current advisor to the minister of security of Bosnia and Hergezovina, will provide an inside view on the importance of recognition for the victims.
Date: Thursday 10 June, 2010
Location: Stiltecentrum, IKV Pax Christi, Godebaldkwartier 74 (Hoog Catharijne) Utrecht (Route description:
18.30 Entrance; coffee/tea
19.00 Welcome
19.05 Interactive interviews with experts
20.15 Break
20.30 Interactive interviews with experts
21.15 Network café/drinks
To register for this BalkanBorrel please send an e-mail to: (Space is limited so register quickly.) Please forward this e-mail to other people who might be interested.
Looking forward to welcome you on Thursday 10th June!
With kind regards,
Carsten Brunsveld,
On behalf of the Balkan-team of IKV Pax Christi,
(Tel: +31 30 233 33 46)